
  History of the SSRU Journal of Management Science


                The Faculty of Management Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University (SSRU) introduced " SSRU Journal of Management Science (JMS) ", which provides a publication outlet for practical and theoretical knowledge of management, and communication arts, alongside with a medium for the knowledge exchange, opinions and experienced in academic and research work among the academicians, students and related individual. The initial SSRU Journal of Management Science was launched in 2014.

                SSRU Journal of Management Science is an academic journal that complies with quantity and quality of the Citation Index Thailand (Thai Journal Citation Index Centre: TCI) by accepting original articles in the areas of business management and communication Arts in the forms of research article, academic review and book reviews written in Thai and English. These articles typically present the quality articles that can exploit both the conceptual, practical and theoretical issues. Journal of Management Science, SSRU attempts to encourage scholars, academicians and professionals to enhance more in global change and development of new knowledge. Correspondingly, the entrepreneurs should make significant contributions to the business and communication arts discipline.

The objectives of the SSRU Journal of Management Science

  1. To promote academic articles and research papers exhibiting the theoretical and practical values which lead to create and to persist in the body of knowledge by means of all applied areas in business management and communication arts.
  1. To provide the academic services in the form of a publication venue for all areas related to various management aspects , as well as, a medium of the exchange of knowledge, opinions and experiences among students, faculty, academic administrators, business executives and individuals involved in general.
Journal scope

             The scope of SSRU Journal of Management Science is covered with a wide range of, business management and communication arts as

  • General Management
  • Accounting
  • Banking and Finance
  • Marketing
  • Economics
  • Human Resource Management
  • International Business
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Services.
  • Business Computer
  • Communication Arts
  • Other related disciplines

Editorial Policy

            SSRU Journal of Management Science considers both the academic and research articles in Thai and English related to the fields of business management and communication arts. The journal may welcome members of Faculty of Management Science but are not limited to students, faculty, scholars, and business professionals. In deciding whether to accept a manuscript for publication, the editorial board relies upon the evaluation reports provided by the related peer reviews, the originality and relevance of ideas addresses in the articles and the possible contribution on the practical and academic grounds to the audiences.

Review Process

            SSRU Journal of Management Science is applied the quantitative and qualitative criteria of Citation Index Centre Thailand (Thai Journal Citation Index Centre) strictly. Below is a detailed description of our articles process, explaining how the manuscript would move throughout the process. 

Periodical publication

                SSRU Journal of Management Science is the bi-annual regular issues; Issue 1 (January - June) and Issue 2 (July - December) with ISBN journal (International Standard Serial Number - ISSN 2351-0390).